What Is Web Browser Software

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And there are some software programs that won't download from certain web browsers. But keep in mind that you need enough hard drive space to house more than one browser on any device. Chrome is a 30MB program, but Google suggests having at least 100MB of hard disk space available for its browser to install and operate properly.

A web browser is an application software that is used to present or receive resources that is traversing through the World Wide Web (www). An information resource can be images, videos, web pages or any other content identified by URL. Browsers plays the client side interface role in Client Server Architecture. Browser allow client device to connect to a webserver and read the HTML files located on it. When the web browser send request to web server, these files are transferred to your computer as response that is interpreted by web browser to display the content. In the easiest words we can describe a web browser as a tool or software to surf internet quickly and efficiently. Some of the most common and popular web browsers can be named as Microsoft Edge (Internet Explorer), Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Opera etc.

  1. Definitions Web Browser Logos of 5 different major web browsers. (From top-left to bot-right: Safari, IE, Chrome, Opera and Firefox) A web browser or browser is a software application used in retrieving, presenting and traversing information resources in the world of the Internet, known as the World Wide Web.
  2. Definition - What does Web Browser mean? A web browser is a software program that allows a user to locate, access, and display web pages. In common usage, a web browser is usually shortened to 'browser.'

Web browsers, now-a-days, are well functioned software packages that can easily translate and display applications, html page, JavaScript, Ajax etc. related contents on web server. Web browsers also offer plugins for better performance and multimedia contents. Although web browsers are mainly used to work with World Wide Web, it can also be utilized for accessing information & resources provided by web server in private networks.

Function of Web Browser

The main functions of web browser is to fetch or retrieve informative resources from World Wide Web to the client/ user on demand, translate those files received from web server and display those content to the user and allow the client /user to access all other relevant resources & information via hyperlinks.

When the user inputs any URL (uniform resource locator) in the web browser, the user is navigated to that website by the browser quickly. Let us have a look on its processing. When user type any URL, for example https://msatechnosoft.in, the prefix of the URL decide how to retrieve it. The URL prefixes that the web browser is not able to handle directly is sent to related application. Like default email app is responsible to handle mailto: URL prefix. Following table gives an idea about some of the common URL prefixes:

URL Prefix

URL Interpretation

http:Hypertext transfer protocol
https:Secured hypertext transfer protocol
ftp:File transfer protocol
file:Local file system

Plugins are available on web browser that supports flash content and java applets to run smoothly in any device.

Web browser allow users to interact with web pages and other dynamic contents via hyperlinks that provides navigation facility i.e. to go to different locations by clicking on links that makes internet surfing easy.

Web browser provide security of data and resources over the web through its secure methodologies.

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1. Navigation buttons

Refresh button is used to go back and forward while browsing. If you are in a home page of some site, then you go to contact page – Back button would bring you back to the home page, if then you would click forward button it would bring you again to the contact page. A small arrow next to navigation buttons brings up a quick list of all back/forward web pages available.

2. Refresh button

Refresh buttons is used to force web browser to reload webpage. Most major web browsers use caching mechanism (store local copies of visited pages to speed up performance) that sometimes prevents seeing the most updated information; by clicking refresh, latest version of the page is forcefully reloaded.

3. Stop button

Cancels web browser's communication with a server and stops page loading. Very useful to stopmalicious sites from loading if accidentally entered.

4. Home button

Loads predefined home page. You can select any page as browser's home by clicking on tools menu and selecting options.

5. Web browser's address bar

Address bar is used to enter website and page names. Address bar works as a dropdown menu showing all previously visited sites. At the end of address bar you will find go button, that is not very useful as by simply clicking enter (after typing or selecting a domain name) you will be directed to the site.

6. Integrated search

Integrated search engine tool is relatively new feature in web browsers. It allows selecting your favorite search engine and doing a quick search by typing in a search term.

7. Tabbed browsing

What Is Web Browser Software

Browser tabs allow opening many websites on a single web browser's window - very helpful when reading several websites at the same time. I.e. if you want to open several links from a website without losing it, you can right click on each link you want to see, and select open in a new tab option.

What is meant by web browser software

8. Bookmark buttons

Custom user defined buttons that redirect to chosen websites - Very useful to configure web mail and other often visited sites. Check Mozilla Firefox browser for live bookmarking.

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What Is Web Browser Software

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